De alto et basso : ein Experiment aus dem Bereich der "Distant Diplomatics" zum Formular von Urkunden aus dem Schiedsgerichtswesen



De alto et basso : experiment z oblasti "distanční diplomatiky" k formuláři arbitrážních listin

De alto et basso : an experiment in the field of 'distant diplomatics' on the formula of arbitral deeds

In this paper, we demonstrate a computer-aided analysis of charter material on arbitration. We apply a soft classification and analyze feature importances in order to quantitatively identify potentially significant formulas of arbitration charters. More specifically, we identify the previously little-noticed formula de alto et basso as particularly characteristic and qualitatively trace the path of its inclusion in late medieval charters on arbitration. This exemplary experiment lays the foundation for future research in this area, which could incorporate more diverse and multimodal approaches, including the (semi-)automated analysis of visual elements such as seals, writing materials, or fonts.

Klíčová slova:
distant diplomatics; formulas; arbitration; natural language processing;


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