Ideové zdroje "revoltujícího" myšlení na západě v 60. letech 20. století
revolting thinking of the Sixties; student's protests; engaged sociology; neomarxism; existencialism; sociological conflict theory
Ideological source "revolting" thinking in the West in the sixties of the 20th
Author in the text presents the diskurs of "Revolting thinking" of the Sixties. This diskurs is based on specific western intelectual environ. Left western intelectuals, inspired by marxism, created new methodological concepts in describing modern west society as existencialism, structuralism, Frankfurt school, engaged sociology or conflict theory. These trends inspired during the time of sixties in 20th century mostly the students, who participated in various demonstrations against the west capitalist regimes and against consumerism.
revolting thinking of the Sixties; student's protests; engaged sociology; neomarxism; existencialism; sociological conflict theory