Reakce českého duchovenstva na rozpad papežského státu v letech 1859 a 1860



The reaction of the Czech clergy to the break-up of the Papal State in 1859 and 1860

This contribution examines the reactions of the Czech (higher and lower) clergy to the so-called Roman question and the break-up of the Papal State in 1859 and 1860. It is based on papal documents, the pastoral letters of Cardinal Schwarzenberg, contributions to Catholic journals and entries in parish chronicles. At the heart of the study is the Czech clergy's coming to terms with the issues of the day and initiatives related to attacks on the temporal power of the pope. In accordance with the topics which crop up in the source material, the study is divided into four parts: attacks on papal power, papal responses, the significance of the Papal State, and support of the pope. On the basis of the aforementioned texts an attempt is made to give an insight into the mindset of Czech clergymen, and the extent and manifestations of their ultramontanist conviction are investigated.

church history; Ultramontanism; Catholic clergy; Pius IX; Risorgimento





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