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Author Guidelines

The language of Art East Central is English and all submissions should be written in English. To submit your manuscript please use the  OJS online submission system (registration is required). All submissions to Art East Central are blind peer-reviewed. Reviewers will take the following issues into consideration:

  • originality of the paper
  • contribution to the field
  • suitability of methodology
  • the soundness of the conclusions
  • the significance of the topic
  • observance of relevant ethical issues
  • academic style and language

The review process may take 3-5 months. Non-native writers in English are encouraged to have their texts proofread prior to final submission in order to ensure that the language meets the general standards of correctness. Please note that the journal does not provide linguistic advisory or proofreading services.

Please follow the Guidelines on Style for the journal.

The journal does not impose limits on the length of articles. However, a typical original research article for the journal will be between 7000 and 12000 words. Longer articles will be considered (please contact the editor). The editors will consider reviews up to 3000 words in length.

Please include a word-count for your paper.

Please submit articles and reviews in standard formats (e.g. docx, doc, odt).

Pdf submissions will not be accepted. All articles by non-native speakers of English must be proofread prior to submission. Any article not meeting this criterion will be returned to its author.

Please include an abstract (150-200 words) at the beginning, and a short bio-note (60-100 words) at the end, followed by full contact information. Figures and images should be submitted separately from the main text in standard electronic format.

Submissions should also include a separate list of frequently cited sources.

All contributions must be original and previously unpublished articles, not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Reviews should be non-partisan, but analytical and argumentative, interpreting the impact of the reviewed work with respect to the discipline and other current literature.

Please ensure all submissions are formatted as A4, double-spaced, 2.5 cm margins on all sides. Times New Roman, font size 12 throughout (even in tables and examples).

Do not use any pre-set or personal styles for text formatting. Remove all such styles prior to submission. Please do not use headers or footers.

Please add a title page. This should include:

  • Full name and title of the article
  • Institutional address
  • Home address (optional)
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Title of submission

Please do not include the name of the author on any subsequent pages of the article.

It is the author’s responsibility to obtain the original illustrations and copyright permission for both visual and written material. The author is also responsible for the costs incurred in gaining permission from copyright holders of original materials. The journal will not pay them.

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