Las gnomai euripideas en los papiros escolares de época helenística


Euripides, like Homer and Menander, was one of the classical authors most frequently quoted in Greek schools, according to the evidence from papyri. To study the use of Euripidean γνῶμαι in school papyri, however, we must consider two handicaps: first, the definition of "scholastic field" is not clear since the variety of the papyri makes it difficult to distinguish between school and non-school texts; second, we must add that the school texts include texts written by students as well as by teachers. In turn, due to the decontextualisation of the material, it is also difficult to distinguish the meaning of a γνώμη or gnomic text due to its similarity to other exercises. The purpose of this study is to establish a list of the different uses of Euripidean γνῶμαι in school papyri. On this basis, we will analyse and classify each of these papyri to determine the following aspects: the use of Euripidean γνῶμαι; in which type of exercises we find them and in which context; what the purpose of this use is; what information the presence of the Euripidean γνῶμαι in school papyri brings and how it contributes to the establishment of the text; what the reason for this presence is; which uses are derived from the different types of exercises in which we find the sentences; what the different adaptations are that the γνῶμαι undergo; and what the purpose of these adaptations is. In the same way, we will address the difficulty that some types of gnomic papyri pose in ascribing them either to school exercises or to possible lists of gnomai for private use. We will try to sketch a map of the reception of the γνῶμαι of Euripides' work in school papyri and to shed light on the image of Euripides that these gnomai give off.

Klíčová slova:
Euripides; γνώμη; school papyri; exercises


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