Diocletian and Maximian and the Agri Decumates


This article deals with the question of Roman control of the Agri Decumates in the age of the Tetrarchy, summing up its history from the 260s and particularly focusing on the campaign of Diocletian and Maximian in 288. The fate of the Agri Decumates is compared to the fate of the old Roman Dacia, which was abandoned by the Romans in about 271 to become a theatre of operations for Emperor Constantine in the 330s. Although Diocletian and Maximian may have achieved some success in their campaign, it appears to have been short-lived and comparable to what Constantine achieved, or rather failed to achieve, in Dacia.

Klíčová slova:
Diocletian; Agri Decumates; Late Roman Empire; Dacia


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