Pseudohildegardino proroctví Insurgent gentes v českém kontextu. Srovnání textu Prophecia beate Hildegardis de fratribus minoribus z třeboňského rukopisu a Apologie Konráda Waldhausera


Pseudo-hildegardian prophecy Insurgent gentes within the Czech context. A comparison of the text Prophecia beate Hildegardis de fratribus minoribus from the Trebon manuscript and Konrad Waldhauser's Apologia. The article deals with the Pseudo-hildegardian prophecy Insurgent gentes, which became very popular in the 13th century and continued to be throughout the 14th century and also in the first half of the 15th century. Many medieval manuscripts containing the text Insurgent gentes have survived up to the present days and neither full edition or study exist till this time. The prophecy was probably composed in the circle of William of Saint Amour at Paris in the 1250th. In the Middle-Ages it was spread under the name of Hildegarda of Bingen (1098–1179). The text Insurgent gentes draws on genuine Hildegard's letter to the clergy of Cologne (1163), which Gebeno of Eberbach, the author of Pentachronon (1220), read as prophesying a new Cathar treat. The pseudonymous prophecy was shortly to become the valued property of the antimendicant propaganda. Eventually the article focuses on the text Prophecia beate Hildegardis de fratribus minoribus from the Trebon manuscript (1st half of the 15th century), in relation to the prophecy Insurgent gentes so far unknown, and confronts this text with the work of Konrad Waldhauser, one of the Hus's predecessors. It shows that both texts use similar methods and in several cases fully correspond.

Klíčová slova:
Hildegard of Bingen; Insurgent gentes; Gebeno of Eberbach; Letter to the clergy of Cologne; Prophecy; Pseudoprophecy; Mendicants; Antimendicant propaganda; William of St. Amour; Hus's predecessors; Konrad Waldhauser; Waldhauser's Apologia and Postilla


Beate Hildegardis prophecia de fratribus minoribus SOA TŘEBOŇ A 3, folio 126a–126b.

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