Erasmus von Rotterdam und Leonard Stockel: zwei Modellpredigten uber dieselbe Perikope


In the study the sermons of Erasmus of Rotterdam and Leonard Stöckel, a devoted Lutheran reformer, are being compared. They are based on the pericope of St. John's gospel 2,1-12. The authors tried to create model homilies according to the rules of antique rhetorics. Stöckel's text included in the collection Postilla evokes the impression of an academic lecture. It excels in strict structure and does not use elements of subjectivism. Erasmus who wrote this sermon more or less per order wanted rather to arrest the attention of the public. Both authors were particular about the purity of the Latin language and concentrated on the Biblical text. They did not prefere celibacy to matrimony, but they differed in their relation to Virgin Mary. They used figures of speech, e. g. rhetorical questions, antitheses, anaphores, tricola, chiasmi, homoioteleuta, not in the same volume, however.

Klíčová slova:
biblical homiletics; neo-Latin literature; humanism of reformation; rhetorical figures


L = Virginis Matris apud Lauretum cultae liturgia per Erasmum Roterodamum. Edidit Léon Ernest Halkin. In Opera omnia Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami recognita et adnotatione instructa notisque illustrata, vol. V/1. Amsterdam – Oxford 1977, 94–109.

P = Postilla sive Enarrationes erotematicae epistolarum et evangeliorum anniversariorum, tam dominicalium quam festorum dierum, quibus etiam nonnulli sermones in festis solennioribus utiles adiuncti sunt auctore clarissimo viro d. Leonharto Stoeckelio Bartphensi, olim rectore scholae Bartphanae annis continuis viginti uno fidelissimo. Bartphae imprimebat David Guttgesel anno 1596. [Knižnica evanjelického lýcea v Bratislave, sign. C 4383]

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