Guter Gott! Bonus deus in lateinischen Fluchtafeln


The article takes its starting point in the observation that the epithet bonus is rarely used for Gods in Latin inscriptions. In the case of the first and largest group bonus is an integral part of the name of a God (Bona Dea, Bonus Puer, Bona Fortuna). In the second group bonus is used as an epithet for abstract concepts of divine qualities (e.g. Bonus Eventus, Bona Mens, Bona Valetudo). In the third group remain two dozen inscriptions where a personalized God was characterized as bonus. Among these inscriptions are a lot of defixiones. This is an astonishing fact insofar as the defixiones had a negative and damaging intention. In the light of the other epithets used in Latin defixiones, the performative use of bonus is discussed.

Klíčová slova:
defixiones; curse tablets; Latin inscriptions; epithets; bonus; performative adjective; communication with the Gods


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