On the chronology of the loss of *λ in Tsakonian (Late Laconian)


The Tsakonian dialect is commonly treated as a modern descendant of the Laconian idiom. The most characteristic feature of Tsakonian is the loss of the liquid *λ not only initially, but also in intervocalic position. It is suggested that the process in question is attested in the lexicon of Hesychius (5th c. AD), e.g. [1] κοῖα · τὰ κοῖλα (the lemma derives from Anc. Gk. κοῖλα); [2] ἀχανά (recte ἄχανα) · κλήματα (as if from Anc. Gk. λάχανα).

Klíčová slova:
Greek phonology; Laconian; Tsakonian; Hesychius of Alexandria


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