Aspects of Balkan Latin


This paper consists of some considerations arising before the start of an ambitious project in connection with the research desideratum to produce an augmented and 'updated' version of Kristian Sandfeld Jensen's pioneering Linguistique balkanique, which appeared in French in 1930. This investigation will provide a prolegomena to this edition which should encompass an account of the historical and geographical background as well as studies providing an adequate explanatory theoretical framework. It includes a state-of-the-art survey of the most influential contributions that led to progress in the domain of Balkan linguistics. Our starting points will be based on significant reference books inspired by Sandfeld's approach that date from the last decades of the 20th century. Among them are, in particular, Schaller's monograph on Balkan languages, Mihăescu's work on Vulgar Latin in South-East Europe, Radoslav Katičić's two volumes on ancient languages in the Balkan Area, some publications by Harald Haarmann and, above all, Georg Renatus Solta's Einführung in die Balkanlinguistik.

Klíčová slova:
Balkan linguistics; Sprachbund; koine; balkanisms; plurilinguism; substratum; Transhumanz; Balkan Latin; Vulgar Latin; Dacoromanian; lexical borrowing; structural borrowing; analytical future formation; numerals between 11 and 19


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