Family relations of stock characters in Atellan farce – a few remarks on the influence of palliata on Atellana


The article presents possible relationships between two types of Roman comedy: palliata and Atellana; it focuses especially on the influence of palliata on the literary Atellan farce in the field of stock characters. The subject of this paper are family figures, i.e. uxor, senex, adulescens, virgo, servi. There are two kinds of evidence for these personae dramatis having been borrowed into Atellana – the plays, titles and fragments. All of these aspects are analysed in conjunction with relevant passages from palliata. It appears that Atellana employs all of the family masks with their specific features but at the same time often transforms them, exaggerating their sexual actions and using more terms of abuse in their depiction. The author gives English translations for the quoted Atellana fragments.

Klíčová slova:
palliata; Atellana; Pomponius Bononiensis; Novius; stock characters


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