Alcune particolarità della comparazione (quomodo – sic, quemadmodum – sic, ita uti – sic) in latino volgare, con particolare attenzione alle defixiones


The documentation of Latin curse tablets offers authentic evidence of the use of comparison in Latin. Moreover, it has recently been enriched by new findings at the fountain of Anna Perenna and in Mainz (the Roman Mogontiacum). Regarding Latin epigraphic evidence, curse tablets primarily use comparative clauses introduced by quomodo – sic, quemadmodum – sic, and rarely also ita uti – sic. These are included in the so-called simile formula, which is nowadays well attested from all provinces of the Roman Empire. The complex structures and formularies used in the curse texts are usually interconnected with magical ritual procedures. The simile formula acts through so-called persuasive analogy, the aim of which is to influence future events according to aforethought model. This contribution endeavours and to analyse the phonetic-phonological, functional, and semantic development of the Latin comparative conjunction quomodo with special attention paid to the Vulgar Latin elements included.

Klíčová slova:
quomodo - sic


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