Sobre la naturaleza de las cualidades expresadas por el Predicativo con verbos estativos en latín


This article examines the type of qualities that can be expressed by the Praedicativum in cases in which this secondary predicate is subject-oriented. More specifically, I will discuss the apparently contradictory situation that occurs in contexts with stative verbs and verbs with a semantic notion of permanence and the non-permanent quality attributed to the Praedicativa in a general way. Through a corpus study, I show (i) how the position held so far by researchers should be clarified, and (ii) the explanations that can be made for the results that deviate from the usual trend. Among other factors, the particular nature of the semantics of the predicates under study plays a decisive role in the analysed question.

Klíčová slova:
Latin language; Praedicativum; stative verbs; (non)permanent quality


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