Some thoughts on the military capabilities of Alexios I Komnenos: battles of Dyrrachion (1081) and Dristra (1087)


Alexios I Komnenos belongs to the most important emperors of the Byzantine history. Yet, in many respects, this period still remains an underdeveloped field of study. This paper attempts to review one of the aspects of his reign, namely his capabilities as a military commander since he owed much of his success in restoring the fortunes of Byzantium to his strong military background. In order to succeed in the final evaluation, most of the relevant military events during Alexios Komnenos' life and career in which he took personal part will be briefly reviewed and taken into consideration. Particular cases where Alexios Komnenos was allegedly responsible for a serious military defeat will be discussed in more detail (e.g. battle of Dyrrachion in 1081 and battle of Dristra in 1087) in order to assess whether it was solely Alexios Komnenos' responsibility, or whether the causes of defeat were not result of his faulty decision-making as a military commander.

Klíčová slova:
Byzantine Empire; Alexios Komnenos; military; battles; medieval warfare


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