Content and linguistic comparison of ideological structures of Slavic reciprocity in the works of Slovak and Croatian thinkers at the end of the 18th century


The last two decades of the 18th century present an interesting opportunity to explore the origins of the idea of Slavic reciprocity as witnessed in the analysis of literary works written in Latin. The paper addresses the question of where and if there is an imaginary boundary of nationally tuned texts. The research should be primarily based on the works written at the end of the 18th century in the Slovak and Croatian milieu. Based on the analysis of content as well as linguistic analysis of the ideological intent in the literary texts of the contemporary authors (P. M. Katančić, J. Severini, J. Papánek and others), the author of the presented study aims to determine potential backgrounds. The research is based primarily on historically tuned works that at that time brought comprehensive insights into the history of individual nations and the related sensitive questions that are raised to a greater or lesser extent even today. The focus of the analysis on the content and language of ideological imaginations may be significant in the search for a milestone. It is clear that historical compendia had been written even before 1780, therefore the comparison of these works is more than beneficial, as it could bring new insights and give us the answer with regard to the development of the idea of Slavic reciprocity.

Klíčová slova:
baroque literature; nationality; Slavic reciprocity


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