Quae nec pernumerare curiosi / Possint nec mala fascinare lingua: quantificazione numerica indeterminata in latino


According to their nature, the cardinal numerals define quantities and measures accurately. Nevertheless, in the conversational commonplaces of languages, the cardinal numerals can mean generic, indeterminate, and approximate quantities. The values expressed by these locutions are often situated on the two opposite poles of the numerical scale: they can signify a 'small', 'very small' amount or a 'great', 'enormous' sum. Similar expressions are used by almost every linguistic community. The numeral involved and the lexeme matched may change according to sociolinguistic variations: geographic (diatopic) differences, communicative contexts (diaphasic), and sociocultural stratifications (diastratic). Even in Latin, there are expressions of the same kind, typical of colloquial uses. For instance, 'one hundred' and 'one thousand' designate a large or a huge quantity: Da mi basia mille, deinde centum, Dein mille altera, dein secunda centum (Catull., carm. 5). Our analysis will focus on indeterminate quantifications in Latin locutions with numerals, starting from examples showed by Catullus' Liber.

Klíčová slova:
Latin; numerals; Catullus; indeterminacy; quantification; approximation


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