Andreas Jaszlinsky versus Aristotle : the interface of facts and logic: reflections on the Origin of Life in the work of the Trnava Jesuit in the 18th century


Reflections on the Origin of Life, by Andreas Jaszlinsky, represents a remarkable symbiosis of the empirical knowledge of the period and the rational education provided to Jesuits in the mid-18th century. In this study we attempt to offer a context for the consideration of ovism and preformationism, primarily based on Aristotle and the scientific research of one of the leading philosophers of the Jesuit Universitatis Tyrnaviensis. Andreas Jaszlinsky, a University Professor and Jesuit, deals with this topic in his work Institutiones physicae. Physica generalis (1761). This text, only fragments of which have been translated into Slovak, is an important document about the state of knowledge of the period but also about the need for intellectuals to think scientific theories (in this case, materialism) through to their consequences and take a position in regard to them.

Klíčová slova:
Aristotle; baroque science; Society of Jesuits; historical Trnava University / Universitas Tyrnaviensis (1635–1777); Andreas Jaszlinsky; ovularism


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