L'epigramma bizantino per la croce e la crocifissione di Cristo come mezzo di promozione dell'ideologia imperiale a Bisanzio


Byzantine emperors considered themselves as the continuation line of the old Roman imperial regime thus ruling the new Imperium Romanum with the aim to preserve the values of Christian teaching and morale but also maintain the divine secular and imperial class and the order, security, and salvation of its people; all these were under the constant expression of the divine will of the Byzantine emperor, who had taken on the role of God's representative on earth thereby guaranteeing all good deeds. This particular ideology will be traced and commented as it manifests itself on the epigrams regarding the Cross and the Crucifixion. These epigrams have been retrieved from valuable objects such as staurothekes and crosses managing to combine the high, scholar poetry with the sophistication of Byzantine microart and and have been explored as to whether this has been a successful combination or not.

Klíčová slova:
Byzantium; epigram; cross; crucifixion; imperial ideology; Byzantine art; Byzantine microart; staurothekes


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