"Οι εικόνες στα κτήρια και οι μνήμες στις καρδιές" : τρεις όψεις της εικονομαχικής εποχής στη νεοελληνική αφηγηματική λογοτεχνία



"Images in buildings and memories in hearts" : three methods for depicting Byzantine iconoclasm in Modern Greek narrative fiction

This paper explores how Byzantine iconoclasm is depicted in the Modern Greek fiction of the past 150 years. It focuses mainly on the novels Pope Joan by E. Roidis and Sergios and Bakchos by M. Karagatsis and a crime fiction series by P. Agapitos, but it also takes into account short stories (A. Papadopoulou, Z. Papantoniou). It argues that the authors chose three types of approaches respectively: a romantic one, a satiric one, and one which combines historical fidelity with contemporary characters.

Byzantium; cult of icons; literary reception; historical fiction; Modern Greek literature


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