Θραύσματα έργων της Θεσσαλονικιώτικης επιθεώρησης κατά την Κατοχή (1941–1944) από το αρχείο του συγγραφέα Αντώνη Κοσματόπουλου
Theatre Review; numbers; Thessaloniki; Nazi Occupation (1941–1944); Antonis Kosmatopoulos
Fragments of review plays from Thessaloniki during the Occupation (1941–1944) from the archive of playwright Antonis Kosmatopoulos
The paper contains the publication, for the first time, and the critical examination of four Theatre Review numbers by Antonis Kosmatopoulos, which were presented in Thessaloniki during the Nazi Occupation (1941–1944). Through an analysis of their subject patterns and ideological features, it became obvious that the tensions followed by Theatre Review's playwrights during the interwar period, which had been interrupted because of the country's participation in WWII and the theatre's patriotic mobilization, continued during the Occupation, though with some diff erentiating characteristics.
Theatre Review; numbers; Thessaloniki; Nazi Occupation (1941–1944); Antonis Kosmatopoulos

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