Ο Καραγκιόζης πάει αντάρτης: ένα ανέκδοτο έργο της Έλλης Αλεξίου από το αρχείο του ΚΚΕ



Karagiozis Goes Guerrilla: an unpublished play by Elli Alexiou from the archive of the Greek Communist Party

This short Karagkiozis play, by the writer and Resistance fighter Elli Alexiou, was discovered in the archives of the Greek Communist Party. Karagkiozis, the Greek popular shadow theatre, was used during the Resistance (1941–1944) to promote the struggle against the German occupiers. Here, the main hero, who, for some researchers, symbolizes the low-class Greek citizen, abandons his eternal hunger to join the Resistance movement. But he never abandons his playfulness and jokes, even during the darkest times of the Greek history.

Elli Alexiou; Karagkiozis; shadow theatre; resistance; German occupation; popular theatre


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