Avtomatičeskaja adaptacija tekstov dlja èlektronnych učebnikov : problemy i perspektivy (na materiale russkogo jazyka)


The paper is intended to describe the experience of using the authentic linguistic corpus materials within the project "Creating an electronic textbook of Russian as a foreign language". Special attention is paid to the fundamental principles of the new project - automatic adaptation of RNC's linguistic material. Worked out by means of information technologies, the product is supposed to adapt the complexity of authentic texts in terms of their syntactic and morphologic structures and vocabulary. The stages indispensible to attain the objective are also explained in the article. The paper describes not only the algorithm for solving the tasks and the final result of the research, but also the difficulties, which the developers face, and their solutions.

Klíčová slova:
automatic adaptation of texts; Russian National Corpus; electronic textbook; Russian as a foreign language; syntactic and morphological structure


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АДАПТАЦИЯ ТЕКСТА: http://lingvocourse.ru/www/public_html/cgi-bin/simp/textarea.py

РУССКИЙ ГЛАГОЛ: http://lingvocourse.ru/www/index.php?ctg=lesson_info&courses_ID=1.





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