Teksty Ivana Vyrypajeva v teatre i kino : (na primere p'jesy "Tanec Deli")


The article analyzes Ivan Vyrypaev's play "The Delhi Dance", as well as the film based on the play. Distinctive features of the play — absence of external conflict, arbitrary treatment of time, peculiarity of the characters, philosophical aspects and emphasis on form and structure of the text — determine unique cinematic style of this film. The film, which lacks a plot or an intrigue, with the characters devoid of psychological depth, is a vivid example of the "anti-cinema" work where verbal text dominates and usual cinematographic codes are absent. "The Delhi Dance" is an example of the new cinematic trend: the "new drama".

Klíčová slova:
"new drama" text; cinematic text; cinematic code; Ivan Vyrypaev; The Delhi Dance


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