I.A. Krylov - a on i nyne zdes'


Lingua-centrism is one of the main characteristics of Russian culture. It helps us to identify Russian literature as the main ethno cultural value of Russia. In the paper we present this Russian phenomenon via literary reminiscences taken from fables by Krylov. Based on long-term research of mainly Russian mass media the author analyzes specific linguistic units from the point of view of their actualization in the Post-Soviet era. A certain hierarchy of the expressions given is being created and at the same time we can prove that Krylov's fables, besides others, enable us to record specific socio-communicational models in human society as Krylov's pictures exceed far beyond Russian lingua-culture. The characters of Krylov's fables come to life in present socio-political situation on regular basis which serves as a proof that great writers create supertemporal models of human characters as well as behavioral patterns by their works of art.

Klíčová slova:
Krylov; fables; literature; reminiscences; present; actualization; Russia


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