Bojisko pri Veľkých Vozokanoch – poznatky a perspektívy ďalšieho výskumu


Research into sites of military conflicts is an area which has so far been little investigated in archaeology regarding Slovak territory. A research project devoted to a battlefield near Veľké Vozokany (Zlaté Moravce district) thus presents an unprecedented feat in Slovak archaeology. A battle which took place near Veľké Vozokany on 26 and 27 August 1652 is of great significance for Slovak history: for the Hungarian armies it was the first victorious battle against the Ottoman troops, and its importance is illustrated by a bronze lion, the only monument commemorating fights against the Ottoman Empire in Slovakia. The contribution also centres on finds from surface collections in the vicinity of the battlefield, from the village of Nevidzany, conducted in the 1960s, and on their connection with the events of August 1652. The historical picture comprises the results of locating an anti-Ottoman fortress in Vrábľe which played an important part in the battle. In addition, the authors present the first comprehensive findings regarding the character of the battlefield based on the finds and the existing information.

Klíčová slova:
south-west Slovakia; Veľké Vozokany; battlefield; modern age; surface collection; conflict


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