Anthropological characteristics of skeletal remains from an early-mediaeval burial ground in Radomyšl, Strakonice district ("Tomanovna" location)


This study presents the results of anthropological analysis of an early-mediaeval series from the "Tomanovna" location in the Radomyšl burial ground. In total, the remains of 56 individuals from 22 graves have been assessed. The majority of graves contained the remains of several persons in non-anatomical positions; only 10 graves contained a single skeleton each. The series, comprising 16 children and 40 adults, features all age categories, with the exception of babies and infants up to 6 months. In metric terms, Brachycephalic individuals prevailed, which could shift the dating of the whole series to a more recent period, from the 13th century onwards. Among sporadic pathological deviations, a find of osteomyelitis purulenta chronica with calcified sequester of the humerus from grave 18 is worthy of note.

early Middle Ages; anthropological analysis; paleopathological analysis


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