Children petrified in burial-ground material from the 9th–10th centuries: some deductions concerning social status


Burial-ground material was analysed with the aim of providing insight into the status of children in the Greater Moravian society. The information obtained conforms the presumption of low social status for children in real life. This arose out of high mortality rates and a lack of their usefulness for the remaining social groups. On the other hand, changes in the archaeological material from burial grounds show that the adults' attitudes towards older children developed further. There are more frequent manifestations of respect and attention for older children, as well as increases in the amount of work invested in the size and inner adjustment of grave pits and the arrangement of corpses into ritual positions. In contrast, the occurrence of devices intended to hinder a successful culmination of a child's journey to the netherworld decreases. In a material culture, this trend is illustrated by a growing number of graves with burial inventory: its content changes and the number of artefact types increases. Artefacts associated with working activities are more frequent, artefacts placed in the graves for obviously emotional reasons are rare.

Slovakia; Greater Moravian period; burial-ground material; children; social status


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