A contribution to knowledge of the building development of Lukov castle


Mediaeval Lukov Castle, situated in the Hostýnské vrchy hills, has undergone progressive reconstruction in the last ten years. At the same time, excavations have been carried out on the site. The preserved part of the castle is typified by blockwork constructions – a pair of prismatic pylons and the remains of a circular tower, incorporated into the south (palace) wing of the castle core. This was originally an entrance to the castle core, the architecture of which was probably of high quality. The overall situation shows that the gate was possibly connected with the more recent south-eastern outer bailey, which is supported by the presumed existence of a drawbridge; the presence of this construction at Moravian and Czech castles has so far been presumed from the first half of the 14th century onwards. The block fronts are carefully worked and the joints are still partially filled with solid mortar of a similar texture and nature to the rock of which the blocks are made. The joint surface was levelled with the stone surface and a 2-cm-wide line was pressed into it. The block fronts feature fragments of red and light ochre paint. In 2008/2009 two stone elements were found: a fragment of the tracery of the sacred construction window and a coat-of-arms plate with the star of the Sternberg family, both possibly from the second half or the late 14th century.

castle; Gothic; block masonry; red paint; joint


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