Notes on the building development of Uherský Ostroh castle in the late Gothic and early Renaissance


The article sums up the results of building and historical research into the Uherský Ostroh chateau, formerly a castle. Among other things, the research elucidated the development of the space in the tower. In addition, a fragment of a late-Gothic vault with figurative brackets in the shape of human heads was found in the course of the work. These facts and the layout of the upper room in the tower (a tall window, niche in the south-east wall) have led to speculation about a former castle chapel; this theory, however, has yet to be verified by iconography and source analyses. In the 15th century the castle was repeatedly besieged and frequently changed hands. The situation in the region and in Uherský Ostroh did not calm down until the first decade of the 16th century, when the castle passed to Jan of Kunovice. Its late-Gothic reconstruction may have been associated with this period. In the 16th century the tower was divided into two floors. The upper room was whitewashed, later painted in green, with black tendril ornamentation on a green background. Later modifications were purely utilitarian and the room steadily deteriorated over time. The historical section of the article characterises the property situation in the castle in the 15th and 16th centuries, while the art-history section seeks form and iconographic analogies for the vaulting brackets and late-Gothic and Renaissance painting.

Uherský Ostroh; chateau; late Gothic; figurative bracket; green room


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