Devín castle – results of the most recent research into the upper castle


Archaeological research carried out in 2008–2009 on the site of the lower terrace of the upper part of Devín castle unearthed a previously unsuspected construction. A one-room annex had been added to the castle wall before the mid-14th century, entered by a semi-arched aperture in the castle wall, then walled-up in the mid-15th century in response to events of the Hussite revolution. In the later 15th century, the interior was expanded into two rooms with an entrance through the north-west wall, also walled up later. The masonry included bricks and the walling-up was probably associated with renaissance modifications to the castle. The second phase of the research was carried out in 2010 on the site of the central terrace of the upper castle. The most recent constructions unearthed there included floor tiles and a fragment of mortar masonry. The most surprising outcome was the disclosure of the remains of massive rounded masonry foundations, not identified previously. Judging by the character of the masonry and the layout, it may be presumed that this is part of the remains of a tower dating from the high Middle Ages, from the 13th century or the first half of the 14th century at the latest.

Slovakia; castle; Devín; architecture; 13th–15th centuries


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