Archaeological research involved in the completion of the Holiday Inn hotel, Trnava


This contribution presents to the public the results of archaeological research in the centre of Trnava, carried out by the SNM Archaeological Museum in May–August 2009. 51 features were disclosed in a relatively small area. Their character indicates that they made rear sections of plots located between Hornopotočná and Hollého streets. Virtually all of the features were part of the economic hinterland of buildings possibly situated closer to the two streets. The largest number of features on the site (8) are those identified as ice houses (17th–20th centuries). A group of equal size (8) comprised furnaces (13th–16th centuries), and there were also five wells four of which are dated to the 13th–14th centuries and one to the early 20th century. Medieval refuse pits (3) from the late 13th–early 14th century proved rich in archaeological finds. Another medieval feature was a 14th-century storage pit of an interesting construction (feature 14/2009) with wickerwork walls. The publishing of the finds from the site supplements the existing information about life in medieval and modern-age Trnava.

Slovakia; Trnava; Middle Ages and modern age; ice house; aquamanile


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