Animal bones from the middle hillfort period yielded by research in Divoká Šárka, 1967


The small series of animal bones analysed, dating from the middle hillfort period (9th century AD), comes from the ramparts of a fortified settlement in Divoká Šárka (Prague). The make-up of species is similar to other osteozoological series from the early Middle Ages in Bohemia. The most plentifully represented animals include cattle, pigs and sheep/goats. Although it cannot be ruled out that some of the bones belong to the wild form of cattle and pigs, the series is clearly dominated by domestic animals. The high degree of fragmentation and other taphonomic phenomena indicate that the analysed samples were part of skeletal ("kitchen") waste. The proportion of burnt and scorched bones (50 %) is much higher than in other series. A proportion this high might be related to the find context of the bones, i.e. ramparts where layers of ash have been detected.

zooarchaeology; osteology; animal bones; early Middle Ages


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