An early medieval residence (?) by the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Bukovec (Domažlice district) : preliminary report on archaeological research


The complex building history of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Bukovec (Domažlice district) came to light in the course of its archaeological research. The ground floor of a tower and short sections of the adjoining west wall have survived of the Romanesque church. The original Romanesque nave was removed in the mid-14th century and replaced with a new, larger one built of previously used Romanesque blocks. A rectangular, possibly residential building of 700 × min. 1080 cm was added on the south side of the church shortly after its construction. The location of the building corresponds to a small portal leading to the gallery on the first floor, by the west wall of the church.

Romanesque churches; residences of the nobility; archaeological research; Bukovec, Domažlice district


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