The Abbot's Chapel (Chapel of St. Sebastian) in the Premonstratensian Monastery Church of the Virgin Mary and St. Wenceslas in Znojmo-Louka : (notes on the building and artistic development of the chapel)


This study discusses the construction development of the abbot's chapel (Chapel of St. Sebastian, also known as "Šebestiánka") of the Premonstratensian monastery Church of the Virgin Mary and St. Wenceslas in Znojmo-Louka. Research carried out in relation to a comprehensive restoration of the chapel in 2002/2003 disclosed certain new information that enabled the revision of existing views on the age and development of the chapel and the presbytery (monks' gallery of the church) which the chapel, located in the south tower-type extension above the Romanesque sacristy, adjoins. The origins of the chapel are sought in the period of the 1380s or 1390s, when Znojmo was under the influence of the first wave of Parléř-type architecture conveyed through Vienna. This would be before the Hussite looting in autumn 1425 (there are damaged figurative consoles in the chapel, presumably the result of Hussite iconoclasm, and a burnt layer was disclosed on the wall). The work also revealed a medieval wall painting depicting the flogging of Christ. The picture expands knowledge about late-Gothic painting in Znojmo; in addition, it is associated with paintings in the parish Church of St. Nicholas in Znojmo, which was under the patronage of the Louka Premonstratensians.

chapel; monastery; Gothic; building development; wall painting


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