The beginnings of the Přemyslid state and its centres : synchronization of archaeological sources and their interpretation


Archaeology can lean on specific sources in the study of the birth of the early Czech state. With the help of these sources, researchers are able to define some of the phases in the evolution of the Czech state crystallizing in the heart of Bohemia, as well as some phenomena accompanying it. The sources include, for example, selected stratigraphies horizons without younger contamination that from Přemyslid strongholds known from historical sources. Parts of these stratigraphies are archaeological horizons that chiefly originated during the construction or reconstruction of fortifications. On their basis, the earliest developmental phases of these locations have been defined. The comparison of pottery has shown that in the early stages of their existence these locations developed in parallel. Thanks to absolute chronology data, it is possible to match the individual developmental phases of this parallel process to a time axis, in order to specify the chronology of pottery in the given period within the investigated region, and to compare the interpretations of archaeological records of concrete events with historiography results.

early Middle Ages; material culture; chronology; methodology; centres; early state


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