The origins of the oldest churches in Cheb


The Church of St. John the Baptist in the Jánské náměstí Square had long been considered the oldest church in Cheb. In 1997, however, the foundations of an earlier church were unearthed under the floor of the castle chapel built under the Stauf dynasty. The church existed in parallel with a Slavic skeletal burial ground, and can be thus dated to the period shortly after the year 845 when fourteen Czech noblemen were baptized in Regensburg, including the ruler of the Cheb hillfort. After 1183 Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa of the Stauf dynasty had a new, two-storey chapel erected on the site. The Church of St. John the Baptist came into existence during this reconstruction, as a substitute for the demolished Slavic church. The first synagogue, the Church of Sts. Nicholas and Elizabeth, the Chapel of St. Michael and five other churches (associated with monasteries of the Waldsassen Cistercians, the Minorites, the Order of St. Clare, the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star and the Dominicans) were built in the 13th century.

Slavonic hillfort; 12th and 13th centuries; churches; monasteries; synagogue


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