Wrouhgt ornamentation on medieval axes


The phenomenon was first noted by Czech archaeologist J. L. Píč in 1904, following the find of two axes decorated with inlay near the Palacký Bridge in Prague-Podskalí. On the basis of their yellow plating, the axes were considered gilded specimens from the Hillfort Period. B. Novotný carried out the art and history analysis of the ornament and the chemical analysis of the material in 1956, and arrived at different conclusions. In his opinion, it was an early renaissance motif in brass on a wrought, coarsened base. This more recent classification of the axes corresponds to their specific shape with a long neck. Similar axes are still used for chopping ice in the rural areas of the country today. Other finds of decorated axes (in the collections of the Prague City Museum, the Municipal Museum in Nymburk and the Poděbrady Museum) only bear wrought ornaments and their shapes differ (universal axe, bearded axe, a broadaxe with a quarterstaff and extended socket). A broadaxe with ornamentation of radial grooves and flowers comes from Křenovice and is held by the Moravian Museum, as is the heavily worn (perhaps battle) axe from Loděnice (decorated with a wrought zigzag line with circles) that, however, was not connected with the famous battle of 1185. The wrought ornamentation on axes later became purely decorative (probably involving Christian symbolism) and does not present a suitable dating aid as similar ornamentation is often found on medieval and modern-age farming tools such as a multi-purpose chopping hoe (from the deserted village of Konůvky, in the Archaeological Institute of the Moravian Museum) and coulter (from the collection of the Ethnographic Institute of the Moravian Museum).

Middle Ages; axes; wrought ornament


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