Characteristics of chemical and mineralogical composition of pottery from the 6th–11th centuries from Roztoky u Prahy


This article discusses pottery finds from a well-known poly-cultural location in Roztoky, near Prague. Selected ceramic finds (sherds of vessels and trays for roasting grain) from the 6th–11th centuries and a clay body from the 6th-7th centuries were investigated by means of X-ray fluorescence analyses (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical microscopy and thermal analyses (STA in DSC-TG regime), and basic microstructural parameters of the sherds were determined (Archimedes' method). The analyses have confirmed relations between the archaeological material and the excavated clay body. The main crystalline phases of the sherds were quartz, feldspar and mica, in part of the samples also hornblende, calcite and kaolinite. The clay body was used for the assessment of the aging of low-fired pottery by means of hydrothermal load. Firing temperatures of the analyzed sherds ranged between ca 550–850 °C, one exception was a secondary-fired vessel (ca 950–1050 °C).

pottery; Prague-type culture; hillfort period; Bohemia; analyses


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