Chain belts from the collections of the Moravian Museum, Brno through the prism of natural science research Methods


More or less complete chain belts with links of different shapes are among the most interesting items in the medieval archaeology collection of the Moravian Museum, Brno. The fine decoration with plant motifs of vine leaf and tendrils, astragal on the edges and central ovals and heads of putti (?) is typical of renaissance applied art. The belts consist of interlinked segments, decorative cassettes and an armoured chain with rings connected in the same fashion as those on chain mail, a two-piece buckle and a horseshoe-shaped pendant. The main purpose of the article was to define, with the help of non-invasive scientific methods, the chemical composition of the material and to specify the production technology of the items. The belts are made of non-ferrous metal, brass – the alloy of copper and zinc, in some parts with an admixture of nickel. One item featured traces of fire silver-plating. The decorative relief was created by the repoussé technique (the motif was hammered from the reverse). Naturally, these fine and fragile ornaments are only excavated as fragments. Find circumstances and especially period iconographic sources indicate that these decorative belts were used to carry pouches or bags with trinkets, and were predominantly worn in the 16th century.

renaissance; applied art; chain belts; brass; fire silver-plating; repoussé


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