The find of a glass bead from the St. Lawrence Cemetery, Bratislava


Research into the Chapel of St. James in Námestie SNP, Bratislava in 1994 yielded a glass rosary bead. Although the find comes from the St. Lawrence Cemetery, it was not found directly among grave goods but in a layer containing a large number of skeletal remains. Its depth enabled dating to burial horizons V and VI, i.e. to the first half of the 16th century. The glass bead is considered an import. Judging by the decoration motif and the glass colour, it might have been a Venetian product; the 16th century was a heyday of the import of Venetian beads and rosaries. Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the St. Lawrence Quarter did not belong with Bratislava burghers, the lavish decoration of the chapel and the church in the Gothic phase bears witness of the wealth and generosity of the parishioners. Bratislava testaments from the 15th and 16th centuries mention donations of "bead rosaries" (perhaps including glass beads), valued not only by their original owners.

glass; rosary; late Middle Ages; grave goods; Venice


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