Furnaces from the High Middle Ages at the Selenec location, Nitra


This contribution brings information about the results of rescue archaeological research carried out during the construction of the R1 motorway near Nitra. The Selenec III location investigated in 2010 yielded traces of a settlement from the High Middle Ages. Among the ten features explored, the most interesting part was a group of four vaulted furnaces for preparing food. Two furnaces were sunken and two had overground cupolas. Finds of pottery that are, however, of little significance, date the furnaces to the period between the second half of the 12th century and the early 13th century. Surface collection at the location has produced a copper coin of the Byzantine type of King Bela III (1190–1240). The economic hinterland belonged to a village that was probably situated along the Selenecký potok stream.

Slovakia; Nitra; defunct village; second half of the 12th century; early 13th century; settlement features


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