Archaeological research into Lietava Castle in 2012–2013 : research seasons five and six


Archaeological research into Lietava Castle has been in progress since 2008. In 2012–2013 it centred on the features of the central castle and the rectangular bastion of the lower castle. In 2012 the communication line between the fifth gate and the upper castle was investigated, and a year later the central castle courtyard was explored by means of probes. The next phase involved research into the corridor between the lower and upper castle of Pavol of Kaniž and the Kostka annexe. The research primarily yielded pottery that has been only partially analysed so far. Another group of finds consists of small items (made of metal and glass) and archaeological finds. The finds document the castle history from the second half of the 16th century until the early 18th century. The last building modifications to the fortification were conducted by the rebel army of Prince Francis II Rákoczi. The castle was subsequently abandoned. In 1760 an archive was moved from the castle, and in the late 18th century the castle was depicted as a ruin without roofing. A new chapter in the history of the castle started in the 21st century when the restoration of the castle was launched by the Lietava Castle Rescue Association.

Lietava castle; archaeological research; 16th–18th centuries


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