A settlement from the 10th–12th centuries in Nitra-Janíkovce


This paper brings information about the results of rescue archaeological research in the Nitra- Janíkovce municipality that was necessitated by the construction of the R1 Nitra-West – Selenec motorway. A settlement spanning prehistory, the early Middle Ages and the Middle Ages was uncovered on the border between Malé Janíkovce and Mikov dvor in 2008–2010. Apart from a small burial ground from the 7th–8th centuries, settlements from the 6th–7th centuries and 10th–12th centuries were investigated. The article focuses on the results of research into settlements from the 10th–12th centuries where over 100 features with archaeological finds from the Middle Ages were unearthed. The majority of the features were unspecified pits. Dwellings, hearths with pits and storage pits were few. An interesting phenomenon is the abundance of pottery indicating the existence of a pottery workshop. The research confirmed that in the 10th–12th centuries building culture was gradually changing, the number of sunken features decreased and above-ground houses were constructed the traces of which, however, did not survive.

Slovakia; defunct settlements; 10th–12th centuries; settlement features; pottery


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