Preliminary interpretation of Wehrmacht field fortification features near Pasohlávky (Brno-venkov District)


Archaeological research near the village of Pasohlávky (Brno-venkov district) and below Hradisko u Mušova has yielded, among other things, the remains of a field fortification from towards the end of the Second World War. It was part of a longer fortification system built by the German army in late April 1945. The Soviet army reached the German positions on 23 April 1945, marking the beginning of extended military engagement in the area that lasted until 7 May 1945. This paper seeks to make a preliminarily assessment of the functions of 86 sunken features. They may be divided into several categories, based on their shapes and dimensions. The features can be further interpreted in the light of period written sources (field military engineer manuals). Most common were trenches used as firing positions for two standing soldiers, a dugout for communications, and trenches used for kneeling or prone soldier, while trenches for squads, a machine gun position and a mortar position were identified as well.

southern Moravia; field fortifications; modern conflict archaeology; excavation


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