The consumption of meat in castles in the Modern Age : a case study from the Dobrá Niva castle


This contribution presents and interprets the relics of fauna yielded by archaeological research into the outer bailey of the Dobrá Niva castle, a national cultural monument, in the cadastral zone of the village of Podzámčok, the Zvolen district. The analysis of osteological material showed a variety of animal species, with domestic animals prevailing over those hunted. The archaeological sample of fauna points towards relatively common household waste, which is confirmed by multiple traces of chopping and carving on the bones. Some bone fragments contained traces of rodents' teeth. The bones of domestic animals (cattle, sheep/goat, pig) also featured traces of cooking. In regard to the natural environment in which the Dobrá Niva castle is located, the analysis of the osteological material bears witness of the local economy of the castle residents in the provision of meat, supplemented with hunting in the surrounding woods and on pastures and fishing.

Dobrá Niva castle; archaeological research; bailey; archaeozoology; local economy; 15th–17th centuries


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