Non-invasive research into a First World War battlefield on Kobyla Hill (Medzilaborce district)


In winter 1914–1915, the events of the First World War reached the territory of the presentday Slovakia. In the hilly terrain of the East Carpathians, the Russian army unsuccessfully tried to break through the Austro-Hungarian lines in late March 1915. This paper centres on the field fortification on Kobyla Hill, which saw the most intense action. Repeated attacks and counter-attacks gave rise to an extensive tangle of trenches and defence positions. The selected section of the fortification was investigated by means of non-invasive methods – drawings and photographs, as well as by metal detecting – with the aim of detecting and interpreting structures, finding evidence of action and of the presence of enemy soldiers. The acquired data was compared with written sources. The distinctive concentration of features in the rear was documented in detail and the site was explored by metal detecting that yielded several hundred items of daily use, parts of uniforms, gear, weaponry and ammunition.

surface survey; metal detector survey; archaeology of modern conflicts; field fortification; First World War; East Carpathians


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