Fishponds as economic components of aristocratic estates and indicators of landscape changes in southern Moravian Wallachia in the 15th–17th centuries


The economic development in continental Europe in the 14th–16th centuries involved the spreading of fishponds, and in some regions fish farming became one of the main economic activities of the aristocracy. In the Czech lands, the works of medieval fishpond designers that still exist today are chiefly known from southern and eastern Bohemia. However, interesting evidence of these activities also comes from south-eastern Moravia where fishponds (that are no longer in existence) substantially changed the form of economy, as well as the character of the landscape on the former Brumov estate. This is further indicated by written sources and terrain relics that are still more or less discernible in the landscape today. Archaeological research into the remains of a particular fishpond near Mirošov brought to light well-preserved timber elements of an earth pond wall, which date its establishment to the period after 1488. The area of the fishpond that probably ceased to exist through the breaking of the wall by a landslide after 1536 yielded the remains of water and marsh vegetation. Their paleoecological analysis revealed a landscape made up of a mosaic of forests, fields and pastures. Research into the wider surroundings of the pond showed a connection between the pond wall and a network of late-medieval and modern-age sunken lanes as well as a wall of another pond, which evidences the existence of a system of fishponds consisting of several levels.

fish farming; southern Moravian Wallachia; late Middle Ages; early modern age paleoecology


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