The consumption of meat in castles in the high Middle Ages: a case study from the Peťuša castle


This contribution presents and interprets the results of the analysis of fauna relics from the Peťuša castle from the high Middle Ages, in the Ostrá Lúka cadastral zone, Zvolen district. The analysed series comes from excavations conducted in 2011–2017. The osteological remains involved 6,791 fragments weighing roughly 49.3 kg. Quantification methods such as NISP and MNI were used for the analysis. The series was dominated by domestic animals (cattle, pig, sheep/goat, etc.), with fewer hunted animals (roe deer, red deer, hare, etc.). There were also remains of commensal species and malacofauna. The location predominantly featured common kitchen waste with traces of chopping and carving, some bone fragments bore traces of rodents' and carnivores' teeth. Some had traces of cooking, especially the bones of domestic animals (sheep/goat, pig, cattle), but even those of wild animals (red deer, roe deer). Apparently, bones were also processed on the site for semi-finished products, or they might have been craftsmen's waste (splinters of antlers, traces of sawing, drilling, etc.).

Peťuša castle; archaeological research; archaeozoology; 13th century; 15th/16th century; central Slovakia


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