New reconstruction of the funeral attire of Rudolf I (IV) of Habsburg, called Kaše


The funeral garments of Czech King Rudolf I (IV) of Habsburg († 1307) were removed from his tomb in the royal crypt in St. Vitus' Cathedral at Prague Castle in 1991. They were then restored by the Abegg-Stiftung company in Riggisberg. The attire consisted of two similar lampas fabrics of central-Asian provenance from the 13th/14th century. The patterns were woven by wefts made up of strips of animal origin (leather) gilded on the outside and silver-plated on the inside. The first fabric has a pattern with the motif of birds holding a twig or fish in their beaks, the other features Chinese dragons and clouds. Complete male attire was reconstructed from these fabrics in 1995: a cloak with a trail, a sleeveless surcoat and a short tight jacket. The surcoat and the jacket had a lining. However, this reconstruction does not correspond to fashion in Europe in the early 14th century as this kind of clothing is only reported from the 1330s onwards. The cut of the surcoat is not typical, either, which is why the authors carried out a new reconstruction, working with the documentation made during the restoration in the Abegg-Stiftung workshop in Riggisberg. New conclusions show that Rudolf I was dressed in a cloak made of the fabric with dragons and clouds, a garment with sleeves and a lining made of the fabric with birds, and in hose of the fabric with dragons and clouds. A replica of the clothing was made to test this new theory.

Prague Castle; Rudolf I (IV) of Habsburg; cloak; surcoat; cotte; hose; archaeological textile


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